It's been a while...

Every now and again I check back on this blog and think to myself, “Oh, I must write about…” Whatever it is I’m thinking about at the time. Three years since my last post would indicate that I’ve not followed through with those inclinations… Still, here it sits, an ever present reminder that I exist and have a little space on the web. What better time than during a worldwide lockdown, where we have little to do but sit indoors staring at screens, to pick up the virtual quill? Over the last few years I’ve been hacking…

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Another well intentioned January starting point...

Ahh January... It's that wonderful time of year that's just pregnant with promise. The time of new beginnings, new undertakings. Change for the better. It's no wonder that new gym membership subscriptions soar at this time of year. The sad truth is of course, that all our good intentions and indeed our enthusiasm for them, generally peters out by about mid-February. Not this time though! Let us live in this delusion a little while longer, as I explain that in 2016 I've decided to create my own little space on the web, in the guise of the delightful blog you…

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