Anyone brave/stupid/stubborn (delete as applicable) enough to dare to run Wordpress on Windows and IIS, is likely to have run headlong into the brick wall that is NTFS file permissions. The language I'm using here is deliberately ironic. Even in 2016 the level of help you can expect when searching online for Wordpress / IIS configurations is abysmal. The attitude of a great many contributors amounts to the following: "Why are you using Windows (you idiot)? Don't use that, use LAMP (DUH!) and don't come around here no more, asking your Windozy questions like a n00b... it's called CHMOD,…
All posts in “iis”
I just couldn’t leave it alone... So only one day after setting up my blog on a cloud hosted Ghost instance, I’ve found myself trawling through blogs and documentation on a voyage of discovery – with the intent of hosting Ghost on my own NodeJS server. Why?! You may want to just skip to the instructions. When I made the decision to go with Ghost, the thinking was that I didn’t want to get bogged down in the creation of a website or management of blog software... instead reasoning that the content I wanted to post should take…